Instructions: Answer the following questions and then calculate your score with information provided below. If you get stuck on a question, you can skip it and come back to it when you have completed the other questions. If a question simply does not apply, leave it out completely and continue with the next. Each question can have one of 2 possible answers.
These are:
More Often True Not sure Less Often True

1. My imagination persistently generates daydreams and fantasies without any conscious effort on my part.

2. My daydreams and fantasies frequently produce unexpected themes.

3. Elaborate imaginary themes often come to me instantaneously, seemingly out of nowhere.

4. The products of my imagination are usually ones that I initiate; i.e. they generally don’t come on their own.

5. My imagination is usually not spontaneous and surprising, but rather is used/employed in a more controlled fashion.

6. I tend to terminate imaginal exercises once I have reached a pre-determined or desired goal of the activity

7. When designing or inventing something, or when participating in artistic activities, my imagination often directs the process with little mental deliberation.

8. I am frequently astonished at the scenarios my imagination generates.

9. My imagination produces elaborate scenarios in an instant without prior deliberation on the theme.

10. Imagining is an act I choose to commence; it is rarely something that just “happens to me”.

11. I tend to guide the direction of my imaginative processes, rather than relying on the possibility that imagination will autonomously guide the process.

12. I usually terminate impractical or unwanted imaginal exercises by distracting myself, emptying my mind, or by initiating a brand new exercise in imagination.

13. When a friend feels upset my imagination automatically generates an internal image of their predicament, helping me to understand what they are feeling.

14. My imagination tends to conjure/suggest realities contrary to those I would habitually expect.

15. The images and scenarios of my imagination usually take time and persistence to construct.

16. I use my imagination mainly for practical means, eg., like how to work out a problem or construct a useful idea or object.

17. When I imagine something I prefer to control the contents, direction, spatial character, and duration of the imagined scenario.

18. I tend to allow imaginative experiences to reach their own natural conclusion, rather than me calling a halt to the activity.

19. The products of my imagination take considerable effort to construct.

20. The products of my imagination are generally predictable.

21. I frequently find myself imagining something, even when I have not chosen to do so!

22. I often do not have control, nor take control of an imaginative experience, but allow the contents, direction and spatial characteristics of the imaginal presentation to direct themselves.